About Drake Bay… In 1579 during his expedition through the Pacific Sir Francis Drake, Sir for the English and Pirate for the Spanish, anchored his float on the Caño Island to recharge water, supplies and make repairs on his ships before heading to New Spain or the current coast of California.

Legend says that during the 15 days that his fleet remained anchored on the Island, Sir Drake had the opportunity to explore the secret places that the coast of the Osa Peninsula hides. It is said that he sailed those waters relentlessly and most likely in search of a good hiding place for his treasure.

There are multiple theories as to where he finally hid the loot. Some say it was on Caño Island, others that it is in Corcovado and even on one occasion a Dutchman confined himself with a shotgun on Isla Violines and spent months looking for the famous cave where it is said that you can find Drake’s ghost guarding his treasure; the ghost will let you visit the cave and take a valuable object only once, if you return a second time the legend said that you will never leave the cave again … what happened to the Dutchman is really unknown.

From the passage of Sir Francis Drake the area took its name and in particular the bay located to the northwest of the Osa Peninsula between the mouth of the Sierpe River and Punta Agujitas.

The Drake Bay area is made up of several small towns: Agujitas, Progreso, Los Planes and San Josecito. There really isn’t a town called Drake Bay, but they commonly refer to the town of Agujitas and its beach as Drake Bay.

Until recently only accessible by sea, this town is located in one of the most remote and wild areas of Costa Rica. Bordered by Corcovado National Park and the Pacific Ocean, it has become the main access point to the National Park and Caño Island, almost all tours to both sites start from Aguijitas beach.

However Drake Bay has many other charms and hidden places to discover, its 17Kms coastal trail to San Pedrillo is one of the most beautiful on the Pacific coast. It is a place of abundant life, beauty, diversity and natural encounters. Four species of monkeys, birds, whales, dolphins, big cats, tapirs, sloughts, crocodiles, as well as one of the most important populations of scarlet macaw, make this area a natural wonder.

There are several local restaurants in the heart of the town, as well as two supermarkets, an ice cream shop and a varied offer of accommodation and tour operators, but commercially there is not much else, the main attraction is the natural environment, waterfalls, lagoons, trails in the forest, virgin beaches … With tropical weather throughout the year, Drake Bay is an excellent option for active tourists who prefer to listen to the sounds of nature and not the noise of tourist all included hotels.

Almost any route you choose to reach Drake Bay will be an adventure.

For almost all travelers, the most common option to get there is on speed boats that operate from the small town of Sierpe, and that through the impressive mangrove swamp that houses the Sierpe River, in a journey of about 45 minutes will take you to the mouth of the river, wherever it meets the ocean and from there to Drake Bay beach.

Driving is also possible, and it is certainly another adventure too. 4×4 is necessary because the roads are not paved and you have to cross various rivers, but it is a very unique and charming route, but during the rainy season some floods can complicate these roads and it is not so recommended.

For those who want to get to Drake directly from San José and as quickly as possible, the most convenient option is by plane, there are several companies that offer daily flights lasting 30/40 minutes. I assure you that the journey in the small Cesna planes is also a different experience.

Some Travel Tips

The weather is very humid and there can always be a storm, always wear light clothes and easy to dry, as well as a breathable raincoat.

There is no pharmacy, bring your own medicine cabinet.

There is a basic health care clinic that operates from 7 a.m. at 4 p.m. and closed on weekends.

There are no banks or ATMs, try to carry cash, when paying by credit card an additional commission is charged.

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