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Freediving at Caño Island with Miguel Lozano

The third deepest freediver in the world for the first time in Costa Rica, don’t miss the freediving course at Caño Island next April 2021 with Miguel Lozano.

“Only 12 people have walked on the Moon in all of human history, and only 6 have descended to -122m depth with a single breath” Miguel Lozano

Caño Island Freediving Camp by Miguel Lozano & Costa Rica Adventure Divers

Feel the experience of freedivng at Caño Island as you will see is an ancient way of life, dive in with us.

Myths, legends and stories of ancient historians forge the origin of this discipline, which dates back 10,000 years ago, with the need to obtain food from the seabed, from populations settled on the shores of seas and lakes. The first findings of freediving made by paleontologists were on the Baltic Sea coast, where a community called Kojkenmodinguer, “the shell eaters” lived, and where mollusk remains were found, a fact that presupposes knowledge of the techniques immersion to collect them.

Numerous ornamental objects of mother-of-pearl, found in Mesopotamian (4500 BC) and Egyptian (3200 BC) cultures, also reveal the use of these techniques. Apnea was also practiced on the shores of the Mediterranean, since many historians point to the use of a coloring substance intended for the dyeing in dark red of the robes of kings and emperors, which is extracted from the “purpurigenic” gland of gastropod molluscs very common in this sea.

A possible figure of freediving in Minoan mythology is that of Glauco, “The Green Sea”, a fisherman who became a sea god due to a magical herb that had the power to resurrect fish. An ancient legend also tells how the Macedonian king Alexander the Great descended to the bottom of the sea, sinking locked in a custom-made glass container. They say that Cleopatra paid two divers to play a joke on one of her suitors, Marco Antonio, which consisted of swimming underwater and placing a salty dried fish on the hook of his rod. According to the historian Titus Livius, during the reign of the Macedonian Perseus (212-166 BC), valuable treasures were recovered by his divers.

It is clear that we are born to hold our breath naturally, we are like whales, seals or other marine mammals, we simply must learn proper techniques and challenge ourselves every day.

Freediving is a sport that requires a lot of preparation and concentration.

Miguel Lozano is one of the few people who are able to descend to -120 meters deep, with just a breath of air and without fins. In his career as a professional freediver, it is worth mentioning the two times he has been runner-up in the world and 14 official records, in addition to being the third deepest man in the world.

A reference and a legend of freediving for its way of understanding the sea and the philosophy of this sport. In addition Miguel is an SSI & AIDA & APNEA ACADEMY & FEDAS Instructor Trainer and travels taking courses all over the world.

For the first time, he will visit Costa Rica in April 2021. Specifically, he will come to visit us at Drake Bay to teach the first freediving course on Caño Island.

Are you a diver, spearfisher, surfer or just a sea lover?

Do you want to be underwater without breathing for more than two minutes?

Do you want to enjoy diving into the sea in a different way?

Do you want to hear the seabed without the sound of bubbles?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you have to try freediving and there is no better opportunity than with this exciting course together with a great freediving specialist who will show us the most interesting techniques to dive safely and knowing the risks involved doing it without any training, because as in everything related to underwater activities, self-learning is not recommended, it is better to put ourselves in hands of professionals.

Discover the bottoms of Isla del Caño in a different way from April 13 to 16, 2021 with Miguel Lozano and Costa Rica Adventure Divers, BOOK NOW LIMITED SPOTS!!

From CRAD we have prepared together with Miguel an intense 4-day program that includes theoretical sessions, static freediving sessions and dynamic freediving sessions, all this with the spectacular scenarios of Caño Island and other wonderful diving spots in the area suitable for freediving.

The course is based mainly on Free Immersion, Constant Weight with fins and Constant Weight without fins, will go through theory and practise. Deep equalization, Mouthfill, exhale diving, extended dive times, relaxation and mental barriers, will be the main topics of the course.

Doesn’t matter your level. This course is from begginers to competitors. Miguel will work individually in every students needs.

A good start in this exciting world of silence, a good contact with a diving modality where we achieve greater control of our body and mind, being more aware of our sensations when we discover that we can overcome previously unsuspected limits for us.

Divers, spearfishers, surfers, lovers of the sea … It is the most complete course to create a solid base on freediving and improve gradually and safely, including safety and rescue exercises.

If you are interested do not hesitate to ask us for more information without compromise at, we only have 12 places … Be water and Pura Vida !!


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